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Neil Armstrong

 On July 20th 1969 600 million people all around the world watched and listened to the events unfolding hundreds of thousands of miles away on the surface of the moon. It was the climax of the Apollo 11 mission and Neil Armstrong was about to be the first human to step onto the surface of the moon.

  • Presentation of Apollo 11 Mission and the life of Neil Armstrong

  • Pupils can make and launch water rockets

  • Investigate how craters are formed on the moon’s surface

  • Interactive Rocket Quiz

  • Lunar Lotto all the important numbers associated with the Apollo 11 Mission

  • Timeline Activity

"I was really impressed with how much you managed to cram into the day and also how you got the balance of information giving and practical activities spot on. The children really enjoyed themselves and your visit was the ideal introduction to our new topic. "

Michelle Widger  Year 5 Teacher

Ford Primary Plymouth

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